A pair of dumbbells is one of the best weightlifting equipment that one can purchase for gymming sessions at a gym or at home. One doesn’t always necessarily require a gym filled with modern equipment to build serious muscle and strength in keeping with one's body's requirements. All one needs are two dumbbells, so to say, a Dumbbell Set, and a plan that'll materialize into something beneficial regarding workouts within a specified timeline to get optimal results.
Theory Behind Dumbbell Workout Regime:
- Body part splits—There’re four Dumbbell Set of workouts per week, each targeting different body parts. Workout 1 targets chest and back; workout two arms, biceps, and triceps; workout three legs and abs; and workout 4 shoulders- selected for adding muscle mass and transforming the torso as quickly as possible.
The initial three workouts per week target two different muscle groups, so that while one body part is working, the other tends to recover. It enables one to maintain a high-intensity level and lift the heaviest weight possible with good form, stimulating optimal muscle growth and building. A typical workout regime runs on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday/Sunday.
- Dumbbell workout structure-All four weekly sessions constitute six exercises with a Dumbbell Set, segregated into three supersets, namely 1A & 1B, 2A &2B, 3A & 3B. One completes all sets of one exercise before moving on to the next exercise. In a superset workout regime, although one performs a set of the first exercise of a pair accompanied by a second set of the second exercise back-to-back, only resting is required after completing all second moves’ reps. Upon completing the initial superset, one moves on to the second superset, repeating the sequence.
Below are instructions/guidelines regarding the first superset of the dumbbell workout plan:
1A Floor Press-Sets 4 Reps 10 Rest 0sec Tempo 2010
1B Hammer Bent-Over Row-Sets 4 Reps 10 Rest 60sec Tempo 2010
That translates to the following in practice:
- Ten reps of the floor press
- Ten reps of the hammer bent-over row
- 60sec of rest
- Ten reps of the floor press
- Ten reps of the hammer bent-over row
- 60sec of rest
- Ten reps of the floor press
- Ten reps of the hammer bent-over row
- 60sec of rest
- Ten reps of the floor press
- Ten reps of the hammer bent-over row
- 60sec of rest
Repeat the method with the next superset.
This approach is highly beneficial for building muscle faster as supersets optimize both the intensity and quality of sets, partly by minimizing the amount of rest.
- Dumbbell workout variables-Adhere to a progressive training plan with Dumbbell Set available at all ranges of Dumbbell Set Price, continuing to throw challenges to your body so that your body adapts to them sooner or later.
For instance, in week 1, one will do four sets of 10 reps per move, thereby increasing to four sets of 12 in week 2. In weeks 3 and 4, one will perform five sets of 10 and 12 reps, respectively, to maximize endurance capacity.
Four phases of resistance exercise represented by tempo;
- Time in seconds for performing eccentric/lowering phase
- Pause at reps-bottom
- Time taken to complete the concentric/most dynamic part of the move
- Time to pause at the reps-top
Advantages/Benefits of Dumbbell Workouts at Home
- Convenience
- Cost-Effective
- Proven, Satisfactory Results
Best Dumbbell Exercises for Home Workouts
Dumbbell Chest
- Floor Dumbbell Press
- Upright Front Chest Raises
- Push-Ups
- Reverse Grip Press
- Floor Fly
Dumbbell Back
- Standing Dumbbell Reverse Fly
- Rows
- Good Mornings
- Bent-Over Rows
- Bent-Over Wide Rows
Dumbbell Shoulder
- Arnold Press
- Front Raise
- Lateral Raise
- Shrugs
- Rear Delt Fly
Dumbbell Leg
- Single-Leg Raises
- Hack Squats
- Lunges
- Goblet Squat
- Side Lunge/Lateral Lunge
Dumbbell Arm
- Concentration Curl
- Cross Body Hammer Curl
- Drag Curl
- Tricep Kickbacks
- Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension
Dumbbell Core
- V-Up
- Lying Dumbbell Crunch
- Bird Dog
- Side Bend
- Deadlifts
Buy Dumbbells Online at varied Dumbbell Set Price at Cockatoo India